
How To Stop Split Ends In African American Hair

There is goose egg as cute equally a crown of healthy natural hair. Achieving this, is yet not a walk in the park. Peak of the list of the challenges of growing healthy natural hair, and particularly 4C hair is split ends. Truth exist told, our hair may never be completely free from separate ends but by taking the right measures, we can go along them in bank check. In this article, I will cover the causes of split ends and how to prevent and treat them finer.

What are carve up ends?

Split ends result from the splitting and fraying of the pilus shaft. When split ends occur, the hair tends to get tangled up on itself, does not motility with ease, does not get directly when straightened and does not curl very well. 4C hair may feel split ends when the hair has been subjected to a great deal of trauma or the hair has reached a certain historic period without proper care.

The ends are the oldest and weakest function of your strands. They are the 'elders' of your crown. Without proper care, they are highly susceptible to splitting.

Causes of separate ends

Now that yous understand what divide ends are, permit us delve into the various causes of splits ends. Beneath is a listing of the most popular causes of split ends in 4C hair.

1- Color Treatments

Stripping the hair of its natural colour ways that you lot are besides weakening information technology.  Chemicals used to lighten upwards pilus are one of the causes of split ends.

2- Exposure to rut

Flat ironing and blow-drying hair can cause damage to the hair shaft hence leading to the carve up ends. To avert this, use a silicone based heat protector to coat your hair and protect it from impairment. The use of heat should all the same be limited or avoided.

three- Physical impairment and manipulation

The way you handle your hair is a cardinal aspect in ensuring that you wade off those split ends. The way you brush, detangle and style your hair matters. Mishandling the pilus leads to breaking of the cuticle resulting in split ends.

four- Friction

While this is not a major factor, friction of the hair with some fabrics such as hats and scarfs, clothes, and pillow cases tin lead to dissever ends.

v- Environment

Extreme atmospheric condition weather can also take a toll on your 4C hair. Be careful non to leave your pilus too exposed to the wind, cold, and the dry out and humid climates.

half-dozen- Internal factors

The overall wellness of your torso impacts on the wellness of your pilus. If you are malnourished or dehydrated or protein deficient, your hair also will exist weak, leading it to be more prone to carve up ends.

How to foreclose split ends in 4C hair

How to prevent split ends in natural 4c hair

ane- Be gentle with your hair

Try to minimize daily manipulation of the hair equally it may lead to separate ends. Excessive brushing, combing and manipulation into new hair styles daily should non be an choice that you want to take.

While manipulation is inevitable, be gentle with your hair especially when drying. Moisture hair is fragile and vulnerable to breakage. Rubbing the hair vigorously with a towel will create more tangles and particularly on 4C hair leading to split ends.

While drying, dab the dripping hair with a t-shirt to become rid of excess water. Wrap the pilus in a cotton wool t-shirt and get out it for ten minutes to allow natural drying. This way, the hair will remain healthier.

2- Avoid the employ of excessive heat

Heat appliances such as brow driers and flat irons take upwards your hair moisture leaving it dry, brittle and prone to dissever ends. To keep the pilus healthier and stronger, information technology is important to avoid the utilize of heat appliances. Information technology is possible to dry and maintain the pilus as naturally as it came.

iii- Protect your hair from natural elements

Natural environmental elements such as the sun, wind, and humid air, can all take an effect on your natural hair. Too much exposure to the harsh environmental elements can lead to hair impairment. Excessive rut may leave your pilus brittle and damaged while common cold winds are also harsh on the hair. To avoid these effects it is important to protect the hair through covering information technology to lock in the moisture, or styling it in a style that will naturally protect it from damage.

iv- Detangle gently

How to prevent split ends in 4C hair

This is extremely important and especially for the 4C hair type. With the tight ringlet patterns on 4C pilus, leaving hair tangled can lead to breakage. The about effective and safest way to detangle is to use your fingers. E'er ensure that your hair is well conditioned before you lot get-go the detangling process. I constitute the best natural conditioner to apply for detangling is rice h2o. To learn more about rice water and how to use information technology on your hair, visit this link. 

If you must use a comb, then ensure information technology is a wide toothed comb. Always remember to dampen and status your hair properly before you run a rummage in information technology.

5- Avoid over styling

Over styling tin can damage your hair because of over-manipulation which weakens the pilus and exposes it to damage. Excessive use of styling products is likewise not good for your hair equally they may crusade a buildup on your scalp. Alternate between loftier and depression manipulation styles which may crave less use of styling products. Heat costless styles such as twist outs,  bantu knots and complect outs will work best peculiarly for 4C hair.

half-dozen- Deep status your hair

Regularly utilize a exit in conditioner to protect it from the normal damage that may occur during combing, styling or exposure to natural elements. While deep workout treatments are generally recommended once every ii weeks, I institute that my 4C hair thrives on weekly deep conditioning treatments. This has helped to prevent snags and tangles which predispose hair to separate ends.

7- Lock in the wet

The kinks and curls of 4C hair type foreclose even distribution of sebum in the scalp. Take extra precautions to keep 4C pilus moisturized by ensuring that you observe a skilful moisturizer and sealant to prevent the hair from drying. Coconut oil, olive oils and creams such every bit Shea butter piece of work all-time in locking in that moisture.

Here is an article that goes into the details of how to effectively moisturize 4C hair

eight- Regular trimming

Divide ends are inevitable, as the everyday handling of the hair such as the combing or washing, causes some level of damage to the hair. Even so, there are ways in which ane can minimize these effects. One such way is trimming the split ends whenever necessary.  With proper care, this can exist afterward a stretch of eight to twelve weeks.

Leaving the divide ends entirely unattended, causes more harm equally with time they travel to the root.  The scissors used in trimming the hair should be abrupt. Blunt scissors tin cause more fraying of the hair leading to more split ends.

While you may become all the way in protecting your hair from developing split up ends, it is important not to forget that good for you hair volition merely ooze out from a healthy existence. Eat a balanced diet to ensure that you lot go all the nutrients that you need to keep that pilus exuding its natural beauty. Read this article to sympathize the essential nutrients required for hair growth.

If you accept any questions on split up ends or any other pilus topic, experience gratuitous to leave the question in the annotate box below or ship me an email through the contact us page.


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