
To Initiate The Automatic Saving Of Data, What Must Be Done To Your Table At Least Once?

Filtering is a useful way to see but the data that you want displayed in Access databases. You can use filters to display specific records in a form, study, query, or datasheet, or to print merely certain records from a written report, table, or query. By applying a filter, you are able to limit the data in a view without altering the design of the underlying object.

In this article

  • How filters are useful

  • Select and employ a filter type

  • Remove or reapply a filter

  • Clear a filter

  • Save a filter

How filters are useful

Since the view you get after you use a filter contains only records with the values that you selected, the rest of the data remains hidden until you clear the filter.

Note:Columns in datasheets and controls in forms and reports that are bound to expressions practice not back up filtering.

There are several types of filters and some of them are easy to apply and remove. Access contains some common filters that are congenital into every view. The availability of filter commands depends on the type and values of the field.

For example, to view the records of people whose birthdays fall during a specific month, click the BirthDate cavalcade, on the Home tab in the Sort & Filter group, click Date Filters, and then select the required date menses.

Filtering on a date field

1. The filters that are bachelor to you depend on the data type in the selected column.

2. All Dates in Period filter ignores the solar day and yr portion of the date values.

In this filtered view, you see but the records in which the month portion of the BirthDate field is fix to Apr.

BirthDate filtered for April

1. The filter icon in the column header and the record navigator bar indicates that the current view is filtered on the BirthDate column.

ii. In the datasheet view, when you hover, the mouse, over the column heading, you will see the current filter criterion.

Note: When you apply a filter to a column that is already filtered, the previous filter is automatically removed. Though simply a single filter tin exist in event for a field at a time, you can specify a different filter for each field in the view.

For example, to see the names of contacts that live in the Britain whose birthdays fall in April, y'all can filter the Contacts table on the CountryRegion field and also on the BirthDate field. When you filter multiple fields in a single view, the filters are combined by using the AND operator, like this:

CountryRegion = United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland AND month of BirthDate = April

To revert to unfiltered view: Remove the filters. Removing a filter temporarily removes it from the view, so that y'all can switch back to the original, unfiltered view.

To switch betwixt the filtered and unfiltered views: in the Sort & Filter grouping on the Home tab, click Toggle filter.

To permanently remove a filter from a view: Clear the filter. To larn how to clear filters, meet the section Clear a filter.

Filter settings volition remain in effect until y'all close the object, fifty-fifty if y'all switch to another view of the object. In other words, if you filter a form in Datasheet view, the filter settings will still exist in effect even if you switch to Form view or Layout view, and will remain in consequence until you lot close the form. If you lot save the object while the filter is applied, it volition be bachelor the next fourth dimension that you open the object. To acquire nigh saving a filter, see the section Save a filter in this article.

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Select and apply a filter type

You lot can select from several ready-to-use filters for a data type. These filters are available as carte commands in the following views: Datasheet, Grade, Study, and Layout. In addition to these filters, you tin also filter a form or datasheet by completing a form (called Filter by Form).

If you want more flexibility, and if you are comfortable writing expressions, you can create your own filters by using the options on the Filter certificate tab.

Select from the following types of filters:

Common filters: To filter for specific values or a range of values.

Filter by Option: To filter all the rows in a table that incorporate a value that matches a selected value in a row by filtering the datasheet view.

Filter by form: To filter on several fields in a form or datasheet, or if you are trying to find a specific record.

Avant-garde filter: To filter type where you define custom filter criteria.

Note: If you do non run into the filter commands in any of the views, the designer of the grade or database might have disabled filtering. Contact the designer for further help.

Common filters

Except for OLE Object fields and fields that brandish calculated values, all field types offer common filters. The list of filters that are bachelor depends on the selected field'southward data type and values.

Right-click the field y'all want to filter. To filter on multiple columns or controls, you must either select and filter each column or command separately, or utilize an advanced filter option. See the Filter by class and Advanced filters sections in this commodity for more information.

For example, to come across the filters available for the BirthDate field, on the Abode tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter

Common date filters

1. To filter for specific values, utilise the check box listing. The list displays all the values that are currently displayed in the field.

two. To filter for a range of values, click one of these filters, and specify the required values. For case, to see birthdays that fall between the current date and the cease of the year, click Between, and and then specify the appropriate start and end dates in the Between dialog box. To see all birthdays that fall on a specific appointment, click the date and all the birthdays that fall on that specific appointment are displayed.

It is of import to note that the values in a date field have an impact on the listing of type-specific filters. If the most recent date value in a appointment field falls inside the past two years, you see a longer, more detailed filter list. If none of the dates in a field is less than 2 years old, you meet the shorter filter list.

Long and short common date filter lists

Annotation:Type-specific filters are not bachelor for Yes/No, OLE object, and attachments fields. The values list is not bachelor for memo fields, or for fields that comprise rich text.

Apply a common filter

  1. Open up a table, query, grade, or report in whatever of the post-obit views: Datasheet, Form, Study, or Layout.

  2. Make sure that the view is not already filtered. On the record selector bar, verify that either the Unfiltered or the dimmed No Filter icon is present.

    Tip: To remove all the filters for a particular object, on the Home tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Advanced, and then click Articulate All Filters.

  3. Click anywhere in the cavalcade or control that corresponds to the first field that you lot want to filter and, on the Home tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter

To apply a common filter: Bespeak to Text (or Number or Date) Filters, and then click the filter that you want. Filters such every bit Equals and Between prompt you lot to enter the necessary values.

Tip: Sure characters, such as *, %, and ?, take a special meaning when specified in a filter text box. For case, * represents a string of characters, and then the cord a* will match any string that begins with a, and not only the literal cord a*. To disregard the special significant of a character, enclose it in square brackets [], like this: a[*]. Databases that utilize the ANSI-89 standard treat *, ?, [, ], !, -, and # as special characters. Databases that use the ANSI-92 standard treat %, _, [, ], ^, and - as special characters. You can use either standard with Access, just you lot cannot mix the ii standards (e.chiliad., ? a*) in a particular expression..

To apply a filter based on field values: Clear the check boxes side by side to the values on which you do not want to filter, and then click OK.

To filter on one or only a few of values in a long listing, starting time clear the (Select All) check box and so select the values you desire.

To filter for zilch values (a null value indicates the absenteeism of data) in text, number, and date fields: In the check box listing, clear the (Select All) check box, and then select the check box next to (Blanks).

Filter by Selection

To see all the rows in a table that comprise a value that matches the value in a row, you can quickly filter the datasheet view past selecting a specific value, so clicking the Choice command. The drop-down list displays the available filtering options. These options will vary, depending on the information type of the selected value. Another way to access the selection filter options is to right-click the specific cell.

For case, if the value 2/21/1967 is currently selected in the BirthDate field, on the Dwelling tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Choice to display the filter past option commands, and so select your filtering option..

Selection-based filter list

The list of commands also depends on how much of the value is selected. For example, if yous select only some of the characters in the value, you see a different listing of commands, depending on which office of the field you selected.

Filters based on partially-selected field

one. Filter using the showtime of a field value...

2. ...the middle of a field value...

3. ...or the end of a field value.

Annotation:Filtering on a partial selection is not available for multivalued fields. The Option command is not available for attachments.

To remove a filter, on the Habitation tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Toggle Filter, or click Advanced and click Articulate All Filters.

Employ a filter based on a option

  1. Open a table, query, form, or report in any of the following views: Datasheet, Course, Report, or Layout.

  2. Make sure that the view is not already filtered. On the record selector bar, verify that either the Unfiltered or the dimmed No Filter icon is present.

  3. Move to the record that contains the value that you desire to apply as part of the filter, and then click inside the column (in Datasheet view) or control (in Form, Study, or Layout view).

To filter based a partial selection; select the characters that you want, on the Domicile tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Selection, and then click the filter y'all want to use.

Filter by form

This filter is useful when you desire to filter on several fields in a course or datasheet, or if you lot are trying to notice a specific tape. Access creates a blank form or datasheet that is similar to the original class or datasheet, and and so allows you to complete as many of the fields every bit you lot want to. When you are done, Admission finds the records that incorporate the specified values.

Notation:You cannot specify field values for multivalued fields using filter by grade, nor for fields with Memo, Hyperlink, Yes/No, or OLE Object data type, although you lot can specify values for other fields in the recordset.

For example, if you want to find all Customer records where the contact person's title is Owner, and that person is located either in Portland or in Eugene, open the Customers datasheet or grade and, on the Habitation tab, in the Sort & Filter grouping, click Advanced, so click Filter by Form.

Enter the first set of values, then click the Or tab at the bottom of the datasheet or form, and then enter the next set of values. Note that if y'all want a field value to operate as a filter independently of other field values, you lot must enter that value on the Expect for tab and each Or tab. Each Or tab represents an alternate set of filter values.

To see only the records matching your input:    On the Abode tab, in the Sort & Filter grouping, click Toggle Filter .

Apply a filter past filling out a class

  1. Open a table or query in Datasheet view, or a class in Form view.

  2. Make certain the view is non already filtered. On the record selector bar, verify that either the Unfiltered or the dimmed No Filter icon is nowadays.

  3. On the Domicile tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Avant-garde, and then click Filter past Form on the shortcut card.

  4. Depending on whether you lot are working in Datasheet view or in Form view, do one of the following:

    Datasheet view: Click the commencement row in the column on which you want to filter, click the arrow that appears, and so select a value. To add boosted values, merely click the Or tab at the bottom of the datasheet and select another value.

    Form view: Click the pointer that appears in the control, and select a value on which to filter. To add together additional values, click the Or tab at the bottom of the form and select another value.

    Tips: You cannot specify field values for multivalued fields past using the filter by form, but you can specify values for a non-multivalued field in the recordset.

    • To specify a listing of possible values for a field, use the or operator. For example, specify "Portland" or "Oregon" in the Urban center field to filter for records containing either value.

    • To filter based on the status of a control, such as a check box or button, click the control so that it is in the land that yous desire. To return the control to a neutral position, so that it won't be used equally a criterion for filtering records, ensure that it is unavailable (appears dimmed).

    • To filter for records that have aught (missing), non-null, blank (empty or ""), or nonblank values, blazon Is Null, Is Non Zippo, "", or Not "" in the field.

  5. If you want to specify two alternate sets of criteria, for example, to only run across the names of contacts whose CountryRegion value is USA and whose birthdays fall in April, you can do whatsoever of the following:

    • To recall all records that encounter whatever one of multiple sets of criteria, specify the criteria by inbound the first set of criteria, Click the Or tab, and then enter the side by side fix of criteria. Note that if you desire a field value to operate as a filter independently of other field values, you must enter that value on the Expect for tab and each Or tab. In other words, the Look for tab and each Or tab represents an alternating set of filter values.

    • Too note that each time you add a field criterion to the Or tab, Access creates another Or tab. This enables yous to specify several "or" criteria. The filter returns whatsoever record that contains all of the values specified on the Look for tab, or all of the values specified on the beginning Or tab, or all of the values specified on the second Or tab, and and then on.

To remove a filter and bear witness all records, click Toggle Filter again.

To modify a filter by grade, click Advanced, and so click Filter By Form again. The current filter criteria prepare is displayed.

Avant-garde filter

On occasion, you might want to apply a filter that is an advanced filter type and you might accept to write the filter criterion yourself. For case, to notice records that contain dates occurring during the past 7 days or the past half dozen months.

Using the avant-garde filters requires writing expressions. Expressions are similar to formulas in Excel, and to the criteria that you specify when designing a query.

One example of where you might use an advanced filter is, to find the names of those contacts whose birthdays occurred during the by vii days. Later you use an avant-garde filter, yous can further limit the results to those whose country/region is USA.

Apply an avant-garde filter

  1. Open a tabular array, query, form, or written report in any of the following views: Datasheet, Form, Report, or Layout.

  2. Make certain that the view is non already filtered. On the record navigator bar, verify that No Filter appears dimmed (is unavailable). If the record navigator bar is not visible, click Avant-garde in the Sort & Filter group on the Dwelling house tab, and then click Clear All Filters (if Articulate All Filters appears dimmed, at that place are no filters in consequence).

  3. On the Dwelling tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Advanced then click Advanced Filter/Sort on the shortcut menu.

  4. Add the fields on which you want to filter to the grid.

  5. In the Criteria row of each field, specify a benchmark. The criteria are applied as a set, and just records that friction match all of the criteria in the Criteria row are displayed. To specify alternating criteria for a single field, type the first benchmark in the Criteria row and the 2nd criterion in the Or row, and then on.


    • The entire set up of criteria in the Or row is practical as an alternative to the ready of criteria in the Criteria row. Any criterion that y'all want to be applied for both sets of criteria must be typed in both the Criteria row and the Or row. Click Toggle Filter to run across the filtered rows.

    • A skilful manner to learn to write criteria is to use a common filter or a filter based on choice that produces a issue that is shut to what you are looking for. Then, with the filter applied to the view, brandish the Filter object tab

Special commands on the Filter document tab

Ii special commands are available to you on the Filter document tab. When you lot right-click anywhere above the design grid on the tab, the Load from Query and Save Every bit Query commands are available on the shortcut bill of fare.

Special filter options

The Load from Query command loads the design of a selected query into the grid. This lets yous apply the query criteria as filter criteria.

The Save As Query command lets yous relieve the filter settings every bit a new query.

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Remove or reapply a filter

To switch to the unfiltered view of data, remove the filters by clicking Filtered on the record navigator bar to revert to the full view.

When you remove the current filters, the filters are temporarily removed from all of the fields in the view. For example, if yous first apply filters on the CountryRegion and BirthDate fields, and and then remove the filters, you see all of the records again.

To reapply the well-nigh recent filters, click Unfiltered on the tape navigator bar.

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Articulate a filter

Clear a filter when y'all no longer demand information technology. Clearing a filter deletes it from the view, and you can no longer reapply it by clicking Unfiltered on the status bar. You tin can clear a single filter from a unmarried field, or articulate all filters from all fields in the view.

  • To articulate a single filter from a single field: Right-click the filtered column or control, and then click Clear filter from field name.

  • To clear all filters from all fields: On the Home tab, in the Sort & Filter grouping, click Avant-garde, and then click Clear All Filters on the shortcut menu.

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Save a filter

It might be useful to save a filter if you volition exist using it again. The filter settings that are in effect at the time when you close a table, query, form, or report are automatically saved along with the object, and they are available for reapplying. Still, by default, the filter settings are not automatically applied for yous when you next open the object.

To ensure that the current filters are automatically applied when you adjacent open a table, query, form, or report, from the object's holding sheet, set the object'south FilterOnLoad belongings to Aye. The FilterOnLoad property is applied the next time you open the object. Whenever yous modify this setting, you must close the object and reopen information technology in order to apply the new setting.

Note: The FilterOnLoad belongings setting is merely practical when the object loads. Setting this property for an object in Blueprint view and so switching to some other view will non cause the setting to exist applied. You must close and reopen the object for changes to the FilterOnLoad property setting to accept effect..

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To Initiate The Automatic Saving Of Data, What Must Be Done To Your Table At Least Once?,


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